Maces Treatise I

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Maces Treatise I
Written by Idrich Jorg
"The Complete Catalogue Of Weapons Collected by Idrich Jorg, a Merchant and a Maecenas. Updated and Illustrated"

Allows you to learn the following Maces abilities:

Armor Break
Dazing Strikes
Moment of Weakness

Reading this book grants some Experience.
Idrich Jorg is a famous Aldwynn weapon collector who spent a fortune on his passion. The codger has never been in a real battle but can still discuss armaments for hours on end.

Maces Treatise I


Idrich Jorg is a famous Aldwynn weapon collector who spent a fortune on his passion. The codger has never been in a real battle but can still discuss armaments for hours on end.


Teaches :

Acquired From

Book content

Over the years I've collected a number of pieces from all corners of our world: Aldorian morgensterns, Skadian bludgeons, elven bozdogans... Some of them are plain and unassuming. Others - mostly the ones from the east - are the work of art, a source of pride for their craftsmen.

A reader who isn't familiar with warfare might ask a question: what advantages can this simple weapon have over a good old sword? There's actually quite a few of them.

First of all, a mace is a perfect choice for a warrior who isn't experienced in fencing. Maces are easy to learn, easy to handle and maintain, and require only two things - strength and dexterity.

Secondly, maces make short work of mail shirts and light armor. Heavy plates are trickier, but even when maces fail to punch through them, a lucky hit can still daze the opponent for a few precious seconds.

Thirdly, maces don't get stuck in crushed armor and shields, which can be rather handy in the thick of a fight...

Fourthly... On the other hand, I'd rather not tire the esteemed reader by getting too verbose about this. For a change of pace, let's get a closer look at the short history of blunt weaponry...

See also

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