Maen Heavy Flail

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Tier 3
Maen Heavy Flail
Common Two-handed Mace
28 Crushing Damage

Armor Penetration: +15%
Bodypart Damage: +25%
Daze Chance: +33%
Stun Chance: +25%
Stagger Chance: +40%
Accuracy: -6%
Crit Chance: +2%
Crit Efficiency: +5%
Fumble Chance: +12%
Skills Energy Cost: +30%
Durability: 130/130

The majority of the Cowls, the fanatical followers of Neer, are former peasants, so it comes as no surprise that their favorite weapon is a heavy flail.

Maen Heavy Flail
The majority of the Cowls, the fanatical followers of Neer, are former peasants, so it comes as no surprise that their favorite weapon is a heavy flail.

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also

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