Maen Warstaff

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Tier 4
Maen Warstaff
Common Staff
21 Crushing Damage

Armor Penetration: +10%
Knockback Chance: +16%
Stagger Chance: +21%
Block Chance: +12%
Accuracy: +4%
Crit Avoidance: +16%
Miracle Chance: +2%
Miracle Potency: +5%
Skills Energy Cost: +10%
Spells Energy Cost: -5%
Fatigue Resistance: +10%
Durability: 130/130

For years, the Maen Academy was the crucible that forged battlemages in service of the crown. Predictably, it fell on hard times after the King's death and the rise of the Gray Army.

Maen Warstaff
For years, the Maen Academy was the crucible that forged battlemages in service of the crown. Predictably, it fell on hard times after the King's death and the rise of the Gray Army.

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also

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