Mage General Warstaff

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Tier 5
Mage General Warstaff
Unique Staff
20 Crushing Damage
4 Arcane Damage

Armor Penetration: +10%
Knockback Chance: +20%
Stagger Chance: +25%
Block Chance: +15%
Crit Avoidance: +20%
Bonus Range: +1
Backfire Chance: -4%
Skills Energy Cost: +10%
Spells Energy Cost: -5%
Magic Power: +10%
Life Drain: +4%
Energy Drain: +4%
Durability: 155/155

Kasper Stern, a legendary sorcerer and mentor at the Maen Academy, lived about a century ago and was an exceptionally versatile individual. Conrad II Ironhand held the mage in such high esteem that he entrusted him with leading a part of the royal army - an unprecedented decision!

Mage General Warstaff
Kasper Stern, a legendary sorcerer and mentor at the Maen Academy, lived about a century ago and was an exceptionally versatile individual. Conrad II Ironhand held the mage in such high esteem that he entrusted him with leading a part of the royal army - an unprecedented decision!

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also

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