Orient Longaxe

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Orient Longaxe
Common Two-handed Axe
38 Slashing Damage

Armor Penetration: +35%
Armor Damage: +60%
Stagger Chance: +14%
Accuracy: -5%
Crit Chance: +3%
Fumble Chance: +14%
Skills Energy Cost: +35%
Spells Energy Cost: +35%
Durability: 350/350

Jarimad nomads fight on foot only when there's no other option, but when they do, they rely on these axes - the design proved its usefulness through many battles against the heavy maaf infantry.

Orient Longaxe
Jarimad nomads fight on foot only when there's no other option, but when they do, they rely on these axes - the design proved its usefulness through many battles against the heavy maaf infantry.

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See also