Ornate Bow

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Tier 5
Ornate Bow
Unique Bow
25 Piercing Damage

Armor Penetration: +15%
Bodypart Damage: +12%
Bleed Chance: +25%
Immobilization Chance: +20%
Accuracy: -36%
Fumble Chance: -8%
Range: 9
Skills Energy Cost: +35%
Durability: 70/70

A prize from the Aldwynn Tournament of 407, claimed by Sir Tibalt der Wald, who impressed the King himself by hitting five moving targets squarely in the center in just one minute.

Ornate Bow
A prize from the Aldwynn Tournament of 407, claimed by Sir Tibalt der Wald, who impressed the King himself by hitting five moving targets squarely in the center in just one minute.

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also

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