Sand Guard Bow

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Tier 5
Sand Guard Bow
Unique Bow
29 Piercing Damage

Armor Penetration: +20%
Bodypart Damage: +15%
Knockback Chance: +30%
Immobilization Chance: +25%
Accuracy: -45%
Fumble Chance: +5%
Range: 12
Skills Energy Cost: +40%
Cooldowns Duration: -5%
Durability: 100/100

The deserts of Ahjat are harsh, fickle, and teeming with dangers. Fortunately, the Sand Guard, tasked with escorting caravans, knows exactly how to handle them - whether it's raiding nomadic bands or something even worse...

Sand Guard Bow
The deserts of Ahjat are harsh, fickle, and teeming with dangers. Fortunately, the Sand Guard, tasked with escorting caravans, knows exactly how to handle them - whether it's raiding nomadic bands or something even worse...

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also

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