Shields Treatise III

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Shields Treatise III
Written by Nicadus
"A Tale of Sir Winfred the Brave, a Great Knight and a Hero of Aldor"

Allows you to learn the following Shield abilities:

Hold the Line!

Reading this book grants some Experience.
Mysterious Nicadus wrote a number of poems and tales. This one is dedicated to Sir Winfred, a legendary Aldorian warrior and an embodiment of all knightly virtues.

Shields Treatise III


Mysterious Nicadus wrote a number of poems and tales. This one is dedicated to Sir Winfred, a legendary Aldorian warrior and an embodiment of all knightly virtues.


Teaches :

Acquired From

Book content

The battle rages on.
Sir Winfred is surrounded by enemies.
What will it be: death or salvation?
Only fate can decide who will live and who will die.

The blade is blunted -
Such a sword is good for nothing.
The shield bristles with dozens of arrows.
No more hope. Winfred deflects strike after strike,
Counting the moments.
But his strength is bound to run out -
WIll there be salvation?
Where is loyal Rynald, why is he late?
The sun is about to set.

The sound of a battle horn. On the horizon
A thunderous gallop of hooves kicks up the dust.
Cowardly enemies scatter!
Wounded, but undefeated,
Sir Winfred lowers his shield.

See also