Siege Engineer Hatchet

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Tier 4
Siege Engineer Hatchet
Common Axe
26 Slashing Damage

Armor Penetration: +15%
Bodypart Damage: +13%
Bleed Chance: +5%
Block Chance: +9%
Block Power: +3
Counter Chance: +4%
Skills Energy Cost: +15%
Durability: 160/160

A squad of competent engineers can determine the outcome of an entire siege. Therefore, it pays to keep them well-protected and properly armed: tunnel skirmishes beneath the walls are a common occurrence.

Siege Engineer Hatchet
A squad of competent engineers can determine the outcome of an entire siege. Therefore, it pays to keep them well-protected and properly armed: tunnel skirmishes beneath the walls are a common occurrence.

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also

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