Skadian Sovnya

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Tier 3
Skadian Sovnya
Common Two-handed Axe
25 Slashing Damage

Armor Penetration: +10%
Bodypart Damage: +35%
Bleed Chance: +25%
Accuracy: +7%
Crit Chance: +2%
Counter Chance: +5%
Skills Energy Cost: +20%
Durability: 145/145

This weapon can often be seen in the hands of Skadian horsemen. They weren't the ones who first started using it though: Skadians borrowed the design from the Poleds, a tribe inhabiting the shores of the Icy Sea.

Skadian Sovnya
This weapon can often be seen in the hands of Skadian horsemen. They weren't the ones who first started using it though: Skadians borrowed the design from the Poleds, a tribe inhabiting the shores of the Icy Sea.

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also

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