Stargazer Warstaff

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Tier 5
Stargazer Warstaff
Unique Staff
24 Crushing Damage

Armor Penetration: +10%
Knockback Chance: +20%
Stagger Chance: +25%
Block Chance: +15%
Counter Chance: +3%
Fumble Chance: -3%
Crit Avoidance: +33%
Damage Taken: -3%
Backfire Chance: -3%
Skills Energy Cost: +10%
Spells Energy Cost: -5%
Durability: 140/140

"Stargazers" was the name given by King Etbert's soldiers to the elven oracles who fought on the Jacinth's side during the Radiant Wars. Many attribute the Aldorian army's defeat to their involvement, for how can one defeat an enemy who sees the outcome of every battle in advance?

Stargazer Warstaff
"Stargazers" was the name given by King Etbert's soldiers to the elven oracles who fought on the Jacinth's side during the Radiant Wars. Many attribute the Aldorian army's defeat to their involvement, for how can one defeat an enemy who sees the outcome of every battle in advance?

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also

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