Veteran Longflail

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Tier 4
Veteran Longflail
Common Two-handed Mace
32 Crushing Damage

Armor Penetration: +20%
Bodypart Damage: +30%
Daze Chance: +35%
Stun Chance: +30%
Stagger Chance: +45%
Accuracy: -8%
Fumble Chance: +15%
Skills Energy Cost: +35%
Durability: 155/155

The two-handed flail is hardly the most widespread weapon. The reason is simple: few soldiers possess the strength, skill, and finesse to master it.

Veteran Longflail
The two-handed flail is hardly the most widespread weapon. The reason is simple: few soldiers possess the strength, skill, and finesse to master it.

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also

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