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Spears Treatise II/Tooltip


An Essay on the Necessity of a Military Reform, Backed by Compelling Evidence and Indisputable Arguments.


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When it comes to strategy and tactics, royalist commanders are rather close-minded: just like a century ago, the Council army continues to primarily rely on heavy cavalry. Their infantry is mostly formed of poorly trained peasant levies, which take to their heels at the slightest sight of danger. Therefore, in order to properly deal with our most sworn enemy, it's most advisable to focus on reforms which will help us to counter the Council's army composition specifically.

If the enemy focuses on cavalry, it's only reasonable to triple our efforts at training pikemen and crossbowmen, making them a backbone of our army. It's worth mentioning the practice introduced by Commander Damian of the renowned Albatross brigade: by using a formation reminiscent of the antique phalanx, he achieved a decisive victory against Duke der Narn in the battle of the Chilly Ford.

Regardless of what anyone might argue, the future of warfare is pikemen. I've been saying this for at least a decade, and I'm saying it now as well...

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See also