Warfare Treatise II

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Warfare Treatise II/Tooltip


The Art of Strategy


Teaches :

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Book content

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-In order to keep peace, the ruler shall never forget about war.

-A poorly trained soldier can cause just as much harm on the battlefield as enemy spies and saboteurs outside of it.

-If there's a possibility of forcing your choice of battlefield upon the enemy, it shall be pursued by all means.

-Exploit every available opening. The ends justify the means.

-Know your enemy. Even the bravest knight will perish if he charges blindly into a pikemen line.

-Battles can often be won before they even begin. Starve your enemy out, break their morale, sow the uncertainty among their soldiers. A good fight is never clean.

-Numerical superiority is not always an advantage. Without proper guidance it might crumble upon itself. A single soldier can defeat a hundred enemies if they approach him one by one.

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See also