Axes Treatise III

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Axes Treatise III
Written by Berran Wus
"Folk Tales Recorded at the Mannshire Summer Fair, Year 417"

Allows you to learn the following Axes abilities:

Tormenting Swings

Reading this book grants some Experience.
Berran Wus has dedicated his entire life to collecting and recording folklore of Aldor in all its abundance. This tome contains some witty fairground songs.

Axes Treatise III


Berran Wus has dedicated his entire life to collecting and recording folklore of Aldor in all its abundance. This tome contains some witty fairground songs.


Teaches :

Acquired From

Book content

"A song about the Headsman of Brynn"

A story of a headsman
Who had a house in Brynn.
Fat bellied, petty villain
He swung his axe with glee.

And then one day a peasant came
To hint at lack of grind:
"There's no sharpness to the blade
With only strength behind!"

The headsman laid his head on block:
"I'll prove this axe is right,
How dare you over here walk
And say it's just my might?"

The peasant chopped at villain's neck
The bloodied edge was true
This hardly was the strongest hack,
But through the spine it blew.

"Now would you look at that,
This fellow wasn't wrong!
His axe is nothing to scoff at,
It cuts for weak and strong!"

See also

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