Court Mage Mantle

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Tier 5
Court Mage Mantle
common light chestpiece
4 Protection
Physical Resistance: +5%
Bleed Resistance: +3%
Miracle Chance: +3%
Miracle Potency: +6%
Energy: +10
Energy Restoration: +5%
Magic Power: +14%
Durability: 60/60

Mages who find themself a part of a noble court are a subject of envy. The life they lead is comfy, lucrative, and devoid of any real dangers - that is until their master decides to participate in a military campaign...

Court Mage Mantle
Mages who find themself a part of a noble court are a subject of envy. The life they lead is comfy, lucrative, and devoid of any real dangers - that is until their master decides to participate in a military campaign...

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See Also

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