Hexer Talisman

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Tier 2
Hexer Talisman
common amulet
Unholy Resistance: +9%
Backfire Chance: +6%
Magic Power: +6%
Durability: 25/25

The forces from beyond the veil are fickle and vindictive. It's frighteningly easy to fall victim to them if you don't exercise the necessary caution.

Hexer Talisman
The forces from beyond the veil are fickle and vindictive. It's frighteningly easy to fall victim to them if you don't exercise the necessary caution.

Acquired From

  • Ol' Tott ( Hatred Resentment Neutral Benevolence Amity Respect)
  • Bert ( Hatred Resentment Neutral Benevolence Amity Respect)

See also

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