Hired Blade Cowl

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Hired Blade Cowl
unique light headgear
2 Protection
Physical Resistance: +3%
Magic Resistance: +5%
Bleed Resistance: +10%
Crit Chance: +1%
Fumble Chance: -1%
Durability: 55/55

The Blades were a group of assassins operating in every major Aldorian city. They didn't last long though: betrayed by their client, most of them were found out, apprehended, and executed after a series of high-profile murders.

Hired Blade Cowl
The Blades were a group of assassins operating in every major Aldorian city. They didn't last long though: betrayed by their client, most of them were found out, apprehended, and executed after a series of high-profile murders.

Acquired from

Currently no merchant sells this item.

Available only for owners of Stoneshard Supporter Pack. When you start a New Game, you will find this item in the Inn storage chest.

See also