Mahir's Garment

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Tier 2
Mahir's Garment
unique light chestpiece
2 Protection
Physical Resistance: +4%
Bleed Resistance: +2%
Energy: +2
Energy Restoration: +1%
Skills Energy Cost: -3%
Spells Energy Cost: -3%
Experience Gain: +5%
Fatigue Resistance: +5%
Durability: 40/40

A manner of robe that is typically the sole possession of wandering dervishes such as Mahir. It offers reliable protection from both the scorching sun of Jacinth as well as the bone-chilling cold of its desert nights.

Mahir's Garment
A manner of robe that is typically the sole possession of wandering dervishes such as Mahir. It offers reliable protection from both the scorching sun of Jacinth as well as the bone-chilling cold of its desert nights.

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See Also

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