Old Custom Order

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Old Custom Order
Written by Valter vir Mar
Written in perfect handwriting, this letter was clearly sent by a well-educated person.
Old Custom Order
Written in perfect handwriting, this letter was clearly sent by a well-educated person.

Acquired From

Can be acquired at the Ransacked Homestead point of interest, also called Tailor's Homestead.

Book content

Note opened.png


Now that every Brynn craftsman is a part of that damnable Guild, you're the only one I can count on, as no one else is willing to accept a custom order. Everything needs to be ready by the start of the next month - the duel will commence quite soon, and I want to be well-prepared. I'll send one of my men to collect the belt in a couple weeks, he'll bring you the payment we agreed upon. I also took the liberty of enclosing a small advance - hopefully, it will speed up your work.

Valter vir Mar

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