Open Sentinet

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Tier 3
Open Sentinet
common medium headgear
9 Protection
Physical Resistance: +14%
Bleed Resistance: +14%
Control Resistance: +16%
Energy: -2
Fortitude: +3%
Durability: 115/115

Some people spitefully suggest that, contrary to their name, sentinets weren't invented in Sentia but were brought there from the Bronze Isles. The truth is, no one knows for sure anymore.

Open Sentinet
Some people spitefully suggest that, contrary to their name, sentinets weren't invented in Sentia but were brought there from the Bronze Isles. The truth is, no one knows for sure anymore.

Acquired From

  • Jebar ( Resentment Neutral Benevolence Amity Respect)
  • Ol' Tott ( Hatred Resentment Neutral Benevolence Amity Respect)
  • Bert ( Hatred Resentment Neutral Benevolence Amity Respect)

See Also

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