Soggy Diary

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Soggy Diary
Written by an unknown author
An old diary ruined by moisture. It reeks with decay.
Soggy Diary
An old diary ruined by moisture. It reeks with decay.

Acquired From


  • The item is labelled as a Quest item in the game files, however it currently isn't tied to any quest.

Book content

...I knew that backstabber wouldn't make it easy for me, but this... this I didn't expect even from him. To be sent to the breeding grounds of the disease for a misdeed I never committed? I can't believe this is happening. I pray to the Host day and night that I succeed at bringing that villain's sins to light. Yesterday I tried to explain to Brother Venn that I was slandered, but he didn't believe me...

( . . . )

...I can't bear seeing their deformed faces anymore. This stench, the foul smell of decaying flesh... It permeates everything: my clothes, the wood of my bed, these very pages, me... I check my skin every day. How long do I have before the first symptoms manifest? Do I only have a couple years before I join them: hunched, decrepit, forced to observe the slow decay of my own body? No, no, no... I'd rather die...

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