Swords Treatise III

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Swords Treatise III
Written by Henrich Relge
"Notes of Henrich Relge, the Aldwynn Witchfinder"

Allows you to learn the following Swords abilities:

Honed Edge

Reading this book grants some Experience.
Few years ago the house of Henrich Relge, a famous witchfinder, burned to the ground - alas, the owner was still inside when it happened. The only surviving thing was a safe with his diaries that were soon purchased by enterprising collectors.

Swords Treatise III


Few years ago the house of Henrich Relge, a famous witchfinder, burned to the ground - alas, the owner was still inside when it happened. The only surviving thing was a safe with his diaries that were soon purchased by enterprising collectors.


Teaches :

Acquired From

Book content

...The charred remains of the guards still remain under the drizzling rain. I've been observing him for hours. It's becoming clear that he isn't planning to leave the house. Well then...

It would be too risky to sneak into the building - I can see an occasional shadow moving behind the half-opened shutters, he is ready for guests. Either way, I wouldn't be able to do much within the cramped interior of the house other than burn down along with it. I wonder if I can lure him out before the rain dies out...

I headed to the nearest inn where I demanded a bucket of icy water. To the innkeeper's shock, I immediately poured it over myself. Keeping yourself from catching fire is half the victory when hunting pyromancers!

I had to act fast - freezing to the bone and succumbing to fever wasn't a part of the plan. After returning to the house, I began cautiously approaching the main entrance. Suddenly I heard the sounds of a mournful song or a prayer coming from inside... There was a magic spark, a roar of rising flames - I barely had enough time to dodge to the side. Trying to ignore my smouldering doublet, I rushed towards the mage. There were only a few yards between me and the target - one final push, and I was on the doorstep...

I bet the sorcerer didn't expect to see me up close. I wasted no time on pleasantries: upon reaching him with one giant leap, I grabbed the bastard by the throat, and let my trusty blade do the talking. He let out a terrible wheeze and started shaking in agony before finally going limp, collapsing with a heavy thud.

I grabbed a piece of cloth lying nearby and wiped his black blood off my sword...

See also