Swords Treatise II

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Swords Treatise II
Written by Myrwan vir Debur
"The Aldwynn Fencing Codex"

Allows you to learn the following Swords abilities:

Fencer's Stance
Endurance Training

Reading this book grants some Experience.
The most descriptive manual on fencing and everything related to it. Myrwan vir Debur undoubtedly has hands-on experience with the subject in question.

Swords Treatise II


The most descriptive manual on fencing and everything related to it. Myrwan vir Debur undoubtedly has hands-on experience with the subject in question.



Acquired From

Book content

An excerpt from the chapter seven titled "Pressing the offense as a path to defense":

( . . . )

What does a seasoned veteran of a dozen battles may have in common with a hot-headed youngster that barely learned the basics of fencing? Why will neither of them survive a run-in with an experienced duelist?

The answer lies in predictability: frontline experience and fighting in tight formation don't really prepare you to one-on-one combat. When it comes to duels, relying on a steady rhythm of attacking and blocking in hopes that your opponent makes a mistake is a foolish endeavor, and any swordsman worth their salt will easily figure out your tactics and use them against you. I'm referring, of course, to the so-called hidden strikes - counters that simultaniously displace an opponent's weapon just as he attacks.

It's an advanced technique that requires you to read your enemy's intentions: after all, hidden strikes must be performed as soon as an opponent prepares to deliver an attack. If you're not quick enough, you'll be lucky to have your hidden strike becoming a simple parry. Worst case scenario - you'll lose your head.

Fortunately, this skill can be mastered with enough practice and persistence - and then, I assure you, this investment will pay off not only in duels but also on the fields of battle...

See also

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