Trophy Necklace

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Tier 2
Trophy Necklace
common amulet
Accuracy: +1%
Crit Chance: +1%
Crit Efficiency: +10%
Durability: 65/65

Both the soldiers of the Northern Borderlands and the dwarves they are getting in constant skirmishes with have a morbid penchant for collecting fingers of slain foes and wearing them as necklaces.

Trophy Necklace
Both the soldiers of the Northern Borderlands and the dwarves they are getting in constant skirmishes with have a morbid penchant for collecting fingers of slain foes and wearing them as necklaces.

Acquired From

  • Ol' Tott ( Hatred Resentment Neutral Benevolence Amity Respect)
  • Bert ( Hatred Resentment Neutral Benevolence Amity Respect)

See also

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