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Medicine, Drug

Grants the following effect for 1200 turns:

+15% Vision
+25% Experience Gain
-10% Fumble Chance
+75% Hunger Resistance
+50% Fatigue Resistance
+0.1% Sanity Change

Consuming it leads to an unpleasant Aftermath.

Nikkaf is yet another achievement of elven alchemy. Brynn students in particular are fond of its hunger-numbing and memory-fortifying properties - a perfect combination for a night of cramming.

Nikkaf is yet another achievement of elven alchemy. Brynn students in particular are fond of its hunger-numbing and memory-fortifying properties - a perfect combination for a night of cramming.

Leads to a Nikkaf Aftermath for 560 turns.

Acquired From

Can be sold by:

Interesting Facts

  • The prototype of Nikkaf is methamphetamine from the real world.

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