Recruit Mail

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Tier 2
Recruit Mail
common medium chestpiece
8 Protection
Physical Resistance: +8%
Slashing Resistance: +12%
Bleed Resistance: +17%
Dodge Chance: -3%
Energy: -3
Energy Restoration: -1%
Durability: 100/100

Mail shirts have stood the test of time: they were already in use when the Ald tribes, the ancestors of the modern Aldorians, took over the Firn foothills.

Recruit Mail
Mail shirts have stood the test of time: they were already in use when the Ald tribes, the ancestors of the modern Aldorians, took over the Firn foothills.

Acquired From

  • Jebar ( Hatred Resentment Neutral Benevolence Amity Respect)
  • Ol' Tott ( Hatred Resentment Neutral Benevolence Amity Respect)
  • Bert ( Hatred Resentment Neutral Benevolence Amity Respect)

See also

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