Herbal Extract

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Revision as of 16:34, 10 November 2022 by Dunebug (talk | contribs) (→‎Acquired From: Updated seller list.)
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Herbal Extract
Intoxication Change:
+0.50% (30 t)
Pain Resistance:
+25% (30 t)
Pain Change:
-1% (30 t)
Healing Efficiency:
+15% (30 t)

Infusions of intoxicating herbs are often employed by village healers. Cheapness and availability far outweighs a common side effect of terrible visions.

Herbal Extract
Infusions of intoxicating herbs are often employed by village healers. Cheapness and availability far outweighs a common side effect of terrible visions.

Acquired From

Can be sold by :

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