Ranged Weapons Treatise I

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Ranged Weapons Treatise I/Tooltip


Lord Nidar, the Host rest his soul, possessed generosity, experience, education, and common sense - a rare combination for an Aldorian nobleman.


Allows to learn some bow abilities:

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Book content

Everyone is familiar with an old Aldorian saying: "as long as Aldor has a dozen longbows, no one will take our freedom". There's actually truth to it: the history has many examples of formidable enemies, whose steady, conquering stride was broken and eventually turned into a shameful retreat by Aldorian armies.

This was well-demonstrated during the last Radiant War, when after a series of defeats our commanders lured the elven army into a trap and, even if for just a short while, occupied some of the enemy's border cities.

I find our nobility's disregard for bows inexcusable. Rather than encouraging their peasants to continue improving their skill and teaching archery to their children, many shortsighted lords mock the tradition, treating the bow as a pathetic weapon wielded by louts. Some even place a ban on it, trying to protect their hunting grounds. Doing so is a dire mistake. I suppose these esteemed lords need to be reminded that before the Miracle at the Silver Pass their armies, which consisted mostly of cavalry, had been suffering one humiliating defeat after another from the elven troops. That is until Aldorian longbowmen joined the fray in earnest.

Therefore, every full-grown man who lives on my land and knows how to use a bow is relieved from paying an army tax. He and his priceless skill are already valuable on their own. If he has kids, I personally make sure that every boy older than seven is taught archery by his father, learning proper aiming techniques and how to shoot right on target. When teaching the basics, fathers usually rely on the following trick and exercises...

See also

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