Geomantic Treatise I

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Geomantic Treatise I
Written by Joran of Brynn
"The Traveling Notes on My Journey to Biest"

Allows you to learn the following Geomancy abilities:

Runic Boulder
Stone Armor

Reading this book grants some Experience.
A rather chaotic journal by a professor of linguistics who taught in Brynn a century ago. Perhaps the most fascinating read of the entire Grammar curriculum at Brynn University.

Geomantic Treatise I


A rather chaotic journal by a professor of linguistics who taught in Brynn a century ago. Perhaps the most fascinating read of the entire Grammar curriculum at Brynn University.


Teaches :

Acquired From

Book content

...The most distinctive tradition of the ancient Nistrian cult of the Mother-Mountain is their worship to giant boulders. In Nistra there still remains a large number of majestic structures - giant circles formed with finely chiseled boulders. Some of those boulders are also completely covered in writings. Rain and wind rendered most of it utterly indecipherable, but some parts remained perfectly intact. I try my best to record every surviving symbol I encounter, but alas, I still can't crack this ancient alphabet. I can only hope that if not me, then at least my descendants will solve this mystery...

( . . . )

Well then, looks like I was disheartened way too easily. Spending a couple more weeks of my precious time on that risky search for Fodah's tomb has returned my investment a hundredfold, rewarding me for all that misery and hardships I've suffered over the years. When I saw that the epitaph was doubled in ancient Aldorian, I couldn't believe my eyes... This means that with only a bit of effort I can finally cross-reference and decipher some of the words.

( . . . )

Yes! Finally! After months of diligent work I, Joran of Brynn, have solved the secret of the ancient Nistrian alphabet. A large portion of my records seems to describe some rather fascinating magic rituals and practices that are only briefly mentioned in one or two chronicles... Once I get home, taking a trip to Maen is my first order of business. I'm certain that my findings will greatly interest the Academy...

See also

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