Restless Guard (Spear)

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Restless Guard
Tier 2 Undead
Restless Guard (Spear)
Health: 90
Energy: 45

14 Piercing
2 Unholy

Head 8
Body 6
Arms 6
Legs 6

Physical 10%
Slashing 10%
Piercing 10%
Crushing 10%
Rending 10%
Poison 50%
Unholy 100%
Sacred -50%

Defensive stats
Block Chance 4%
Bleed Res. 33%
Pain Res. 100%
Block Power 10
Control Res. 10%
Fortitude -10%
Dodge Chance -25%
Move Res. 5%
Crit Avoidance 0%

Offensive stats
Crit Chance 3%
Counter Chance 0%
Stun Chance 0%
Knockb. Chance 0%
Life Leech 0%
Vision 0
Crit Efficiency ×1
Bleed Chance 0%
Daze Chance 0%
Immob. Chance 10%
Energy Leech 25%
Bonus Range 0
Accuracy 68%
Fumble Chance 35%
Stagger Chance 0%
Magic Power 100%
Armor Pen. 5%
Bodypart Dmg 10%

STR: 12
AGL: 6
PRC: 3
VIT: 18
WIL: 3

Faction: Undead
Size: medium
XP: 40

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He may be dead, mindless, and robbed of free will, but his hands still remember how to handle a weapon.
He may be dead, mindless, and robbed of free will, but his hands still remember how to handle a weapon.


Abominable Vitality
Abominable Vitality
Tis but a flesh wound! Upon receiving lethal damage, the Restless has 75% chance to avoid death, fully Replenishing its Health while losing its most damaged body part.

Possible Loot


See also

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